Secret Garden
The drama tells the story of Kim Joo Won (Hyun Bin), an arrogant and eccentric CEO who maintains the image of seeming perfection, and Gil Ra Im (Ha Ji Won), a poor and humble stuntwoman whose beauty and body are the object of envy amongst top actresses. Their accidental meeting, when Joo Won mistakes Ra Im for actress Park Chae Rin, marks the beginning of a tense, bickering relationship, through which Joo Won tries to hide a growing attraction to Ra Im that both confuses and disturbs him. To complicate matters further, a strange sequence of events results in them swapping bodies.
Ha Ji Won as Gil Ra Im
Yun Sang Hyun as Choi Woo Young (Oska)
Yun Sang Hyun as Choi Woo Young (Oska)
Lee Philip as Director Im Jong Soo
Kim Sa Rang as Yoon Seul
Hyun Bin as Kim Joo Won
Source of info:wiki
Source of pics:google
[My Opinion]
*This is a romantic, melodramatic comedy with a sprinkle of fantasy.
But even though it's a fantasy I actually loved it.The fantasy was like magic it tied the drama together and made it sooooo wonderful to see.
* This drama really made me remember that true love isn't that easy.
That there is always something that will happen to test your love for each other.
* This drama also has lots of magical moments that seem straight out of a fairytail.
But the other fairytails can't compare to this one.Not even close.
* So please watch this drama and see for your self.
If you have already seen this drama please tell me what you thought about it.
I give this drama:
5 out of 5 stars
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